A Guide On Hardwood Flooring in Joliet, IL
The best investment you can make for your home is to put in hardwood floors.
Wood floors are a great way to spruce up the look of any room, and they’re also very functional, as wood doesn’t scratch or dent easily. Plus, hardwood flooring offers insulation from sound and heat – which means that it’s perfect for noisy rooms like kitchens or living spaces with lots of people coming and going all day long.
If you live in Joliet, IL, hardwood floors may be worth installing your house. Learn about the benefits of hardwood flooring for your home here.
What Is Hardwood Flooring?
Hardwood flooring is a type of flooring that has been around for centuries. It is made out of several thin slats or boards of wood, which are glued together under pressure, and are attached to the subfloor, typically over plywood or OSB, with nails or screws.
Advantages of Installing Hardwood Flooring in Joliet, IL
Hardwood flooring has many advantages. The first is that it can last up to 200 years if looked after correctly, making it an excellent choice for long-term investment. It also gives your home or business the elegant look of having expensive furniture without spending top dollar on your heating bill because it is not cold like tile or carpeting. Wood is also an excellent insulator and protects your feet from cold floors in the winter while absorbing the noise from loud conversations. Hardwood flooring does not retain moisture, which is why it is essential to purchasing an underlayment for carpeting if that is going to be installed on top of hardwood flooring.
Quick Tips On Taking Care of Your Hardwood Floor
Many things can damage hardwood floors. Wine, juice, and other liquids left on the surface can swell or warp the boards, which will leave water stains or cause them to discolor.
Also, scratches from pets’ claws or high heels might not be reparable. Other than that, there is no limit to what you can do with this type of flooring.
Different Types of Wood Floors Available
Hardwood Flooring is made from a variety of species of wood. More expensive types include American Cherry, Brazilian Walnut, and Appalachian Sapele. The only difference between the species is their appearance and price. Each wood species has several different grades concerning color, grain, and other attributes. The various grades are usually grouped in the same lot at the lumber mill to get the best price possible for each species.
Browse our hardwood floor products here.
How to Maintain Your New Wood Floors for the Best Results Possible
The first thing you need to do is sweep or vacuum the floor every week. This will prevent a buildup of dust and dirt, which can scratch your hardwood floor or look bad in the best-case scenario. Every other month to once a month, you should use an oil soap solution to rinse your wood floors to keep them looking their best. This will prevent watermarks and the buildup of soap which leaves a dirty look behind. This is a simple process that should not take more than ten minutes every time you do it.
It’s also vital to purchase no-wax hardwood flooring because wax can cause problems with dirt penetration and leave scratches on your surface. After about six months to a year after buying your new hardwood flooring, it’s essential to have your subfloor replaced with an underlayment. This will protect the boards from moisture and debris that can slide below them, which will cause scratches on your floor surfaces. This is not required if you buy no-wax floors because they are less likely to get scratched or marred.
Get a Free Estimate About Hardwood Flooring in Joliet, IL
Hardwood flooring is an excellent option for your home or business, but it does require some upkeep to maintain its beauty. Contact us today if you want to learn more about the different benefits of installing hardwood floors in Joliet, IL! What has been your experience with hardwood floors? Share below! We are happy to answer any questions and provide insight on how our team can help make this investment worth your while.
We provide home floor installation in the greater area around Chicago, and we ensure that you get the best possible home flooring while staying within your budget. Book a free estimate today and get an additional $150 off.
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